The FAMU School of Journalism and Graphic communication needed a platform to showcase top talent and notable alumni coming out of “J-School”.
Design and develop a platform that offers unique bipartisan support for the facilitation of sponsors and awareness for potential members.
SJGC Media is a platform to display the work of the best and brightest students coming out of the FAMU School of Journalism & Graphic Communication.
Students showcase their talents and gain experience on campus through student media that includes the award-winning Famuan student newspaper, FAMU-TV campus television channel, Journey magazine, and WANM-FM campus radio station. The school’s faculty provides scholarly, relevant and research-based instruction to more than six hundred undergraduate majors. Our alumni are leader contributors in a variety of creative, communication sectors across the globe.
The custom theming power of WordPress provided a product that can be managed by students to giving them hands on experience on how to run a news site in the real world. The platform was a success deeming it useful as a recruiting and fundraising tool to help with the expand of the school.