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SJGC Media

The Problem

The FAMU School of Journalism and Graphic communication needed a platform to showcase top talent and notable alumni coming out of “J-School”.

The Approach

Design and develop a platform that offers unique bipartisan support for the facilitation of sponsors and awareness for potential members.

Development Details
  • I researched, designed, and implemented technical specifications based on the mockup.
  • I prepared and maintained the transferable code. Ensuring all the steps, performance tests, quality-control tests, and reusable codes are well maintained for easy scaling.
  • I leveraged the latest Gutenberg editor capabilities to create scalable WordPress editing experiences
  • I used HTML, CSS(SCSS), JavaScript, jQuery, and PHP to build a completely custom front-end theme using the power of the WordPress.
  • I used HTML, CSS(SCSS), JavaScript, jQuery, and PHP to build custom blocks granting the content managers the ability to manage content with Gutenberg editor and place content however they please without having the ability to write code.
  • I developed custom menus so that content managers can control the navigation as they please.
  • I wrote logic to automatically crop images and format text on the front-end as content managers populate content.
  • Manage code base in private Git repository.
  • Integrated website with third-party RESTful API.
  • Development
  • Photography
  • UX Design

SJGC Media is a platform to display the work of the best and brightest students coming out of the FAMU School of Journalism & Graphic Communication.

Students showcase their talents and gain experience on campus through student media that includes the award-winning Famuan student newspaper, FAMU-TV campus television channel, Journey magazine, and WANM-FM campus radio station. The school’s faculty provides scholarly, relevant and research-based instruction to more than six hundred undergraduate majors.  Our alumni are leader contributors in a variety of creative, communication sectors across the globe.

The Results

The custom theming power of WordPress provided a product that can be managed by students to giving them hands on experience on how to run a news site in the real world. The platform was a success deeming it useful as a recruiting and fundraising tool to help with the expand of the school.